Wednesday 1 February 2017

post 2


The NEED to EDUCATE our PUBLIC on THE DIFFERENCE between CAPITALISM and SOCIALISM ; the wise use of GOVERNMENTAL FISCAL POWERS mass unemployment poverty waste and duplication of resources and labour militarism dearth of hospitals and schools central totalitarian power: bureaucracy :formation of dynastic elites :creation of class bosses youth mental suffering and suicide wage cuts These are outcomes of UNTRAMELLED CAPITALIST system(In 2015 it has failed society) __________________________________________________

zero unemployment More co-op factories fair holidays zero homelessness fair health-services at point of demand fair free schooling ;an even playing-field Taking care of the environment wisely allowing cheap transport improving modern civilian infrastructures decent pension for everyone whatever their longevity Some goals of SOCIALISM are listed above . _______________________________________________________________

Afriend wrote this piece : " All but the very rich are born into crushing debt; most of our kids today are born to parents without hope. Most earn what they can just to give it all away in direct tax, VAT, late payment charges. The list is endless ,and no amount of dodgy statistics and general obfuscation can cover up the cracks any longer. The blunt truth is plain for those willing to open up their eyes. The only rights most of us get right now are to work ; to pay the elite ;so they can take and squander our time, our ideas, our labour ;and yes even the very freedom they tell us we have ( but they have stolen ). They make sure that the poor have enough credit to put them in debt and then they tell us we can pay it up. But of course ,this never is achieved; because of interest and charges. The examples of the thievery of the elite are way too many to list but I see published in 12/08/16: the Duke of Westminster Hugh Grosvenor has inherited a £9.9 billion fortune, got away with not paying 2.4 billion inheritance tax, and even paid, his net worth would still have been over 6 billion ,plus he own personal fortune ,of course. Priti Patel Tory MP QUOTE...."Sanctions play an important role in getting people and supporting people back to work."... UNQOTE She is of the most expensive MP's in Britain. When asked by Andrew Neil on the Daily Politic show, what austerity sacrifices our MP, Priti Patel had made over the past three years, she could not answer the question. Well look ye here : On top of her £126,220 (2011/12), £132,868 (2012/13), £152,470 (2013/14) in expenses accordingly ,Ms Patel has given herself and inflation busting increase of 14.3 %. Oh on top of these expenses is the enormous cost of her written questions to Parliament-very few of them related to any way to Witham constituency-but cost thousands to answer. She also employs her husband as her office manager at the House of Commons(£50,000) plus a year. He additionally gets almost 15k a year as a Bexley councillor. He claims to live in Welling in Kent. She claims to live in Witham. One of them is right.... I could list enough examples to fill a book . There *is *enough money - from tax evasions of the elite RW - to wipe out the whole of our NHS deficit, but the RW say - no! RW would rather fine a homeless person for sleeping rough . (There is no prosthetic to fix the broken souls of the RW!) In truth we are simple slaves and fodder to this system full of *corruption*.If we don't use our vote and act as one : our dignity, our freedom our very souls will be ripped from us :- so many have become suicidal - worse ;taken their own lives ." __________________________________________________________________

Recession can be tackled by “Peoples Quantitative-Easing “ aka“ Sovereign-Money "


THE BANKING MAFIA – A CENTURY OF ENSLAVEMNENT : A Banking Cartel has monopolized money itself (The History of The Federal Reserve by Corbett 2014 ) Using sleight of hand of economic jargon and magisterial titles- it has created a fiscal mega-parasite . (JFK was trying to get-rid of the corrupt federal Reserve System before he was assassinated) A graph showing how money is siphoned into the elites banking parasite


To wit: the sale of shares from Banks that were bailed out by public taxes; Tory G.Osborne is doing so, at knock-down prices ( to his cronies ?) without our permission , at this time in 2015.


HOMELESSNESS > In 2014: one in five young people experienced homelessness due to right-wing cuts are .


NORTH-SEA-OIL – A PARABLE & A WARNING TO US > In the mid-70s the petro-pounds started gushing. At their mid-80s peak, oil and gas revenues were worth more than 3% of national income. According Pricewaterhouse-Coopers and John Hawksworth , had all this money been set aside and invested in ultra-safe assets it would have been worth £450bn by 2008. He admits that is a very conservative estimate:Sukhdev Johal, professor of accounting at Queen Mary University of London, thinks the total might well have been £850bn by now. - around £13,000 for everyone in Britain. Tory Public sector net investment plunged from 2.5% of GDP at the start to just 0.4% of GDP by 2000. So where did our billions go? Hawksworth writes: " the oil money enabled non-oil taxes to be kept lower." In other words: tax cuts for the rich .

CREATING JOBS > Robert Reich's < > insight about more and more jobs being lost to smart technologies, leading to a society in which "those who create or invest in blockbuster ideas will earn unprecedented sums and returns," leaving much less for the rest of us. The solution, says Chris Hedges,,
 is instituting "a nationwide public works program, to create conditions for full employment."


FINACIAL CRISIS AND WAGE SQUEEZE > Tony Blair won his second general election victory in 2001, with men and young people hit hardest .The Institute for Fiscal Studies think-tank said wages were 1% lower in the third quarter of 2014 than in the same period 13 years earlier after taking inflation into account.

HOUSE SALES CRASH > PROPERTY PRICE HIKE> UK mainstream oligarchic media campaign to create an illusion of prosperity. Tories and Tory-lites have no new policy ideas. Let’s start with housing market. UK house prices may have risen 3% over the last year. The UK-wide rate is utterly meaningless, thanks to an already immense and ever expanding North/South divide. Property prices in The City of London and inside the M25 massively increase the average property price not just in England but the UK more widely. The numbers for these areas also distort the time taken the sell, cash sales, mortgage numbers and general availability. Contrary to belief the volume of actual sales has crashed by about 35 per cent in just 4 years and 40 per cent in 8 years.


Part of the problem is that the middle-aged have accumulated money in the good times. They are, quite rightly, frightened to death of ‘financial consultants’, banks, ‘advisors’ and years of treasury plundering – all of whom seem to have a license to steal hard earned, tax-paid money being saved for retirement. This savvy generation has taken matters into their own hands.15-20 per cent of all property that comes to the market is now bought by buy-to-let landlords. These landlords have an average deposit of nearly £100,000. They are banking on driving down their mortgage debt over a number of years, paid for by rent and then end up with a tidy monthly income to cover the loss from the thieves who would have stolen their pension funds in the first place. The latter part of this ruse is government policy and it helps to drive property prices ever higher. [  ]


WHO CONTROLS THE MEDIA > Our communications system is at a crossroads – one path leading to an increasingly authoritarian, commercialised world, the other to a true cultural common ideal where we are nurtured as citizens and creators. The latter is highly unlikely now that the political dinosaurs have started to understand how to harness true mass manipulation and continue the democratic fraud. Rupert Murdoch was reported by Journalist James Doleman to have inordinate undemocratic influence in the world of politicians.

LOOKING AFTER THE RENOWNED NHS MACHINE >REFORM OF DWP > GP’s triage for one or two hours each morning -The “quick-doc” scheme is also helping to take the pressure off the A&E at Manchester Royal Infirmary, . Also has collaboration with 100-hour-pharmacies. The share of the total health budget spent on GP services fell for the third successive year in 2014-15.;despite national NHS leaders’ declared intention to expand primary-care. Tory lies. ..


THE AUSTERITY SHAM > CAPITALIST SCAM> SANCTIONING> Stopping people's benefits such as job seeker's allowance, known as sanctioning, is driving people to suicide. People are resorting to stealing food in order to not starve. Sanctions do not encourage people to get jobs. Sanctions are known to be given to people for extremely minor reasons such as being five minutes late for an appointment. If someone has a heart-attack or has to attend a family members' funeral and misses an appointment - they could be sanctioned and lose their benefits. False economy :If the DWP know a person is diabetic and needs insulin kept in the fridge –and they withdraw benefits so he cannot afford fridge or reliable food supply – they are answerable to corporate manslaughter surely. Austerity against the sick and poor is actually more expensive due to increased spending on health and social services – needed to cope with the ‘fallout’ .

TORY ATTACK ON BENEFITS AND CASUALISATION OF WORK AND WORKERS RIGHTS > For those growing up in austerity Britain, stints of unemployment are the norm. But casual-isation-; temporary, zero-hour contracts in low paid jobs ;   

with very few rights are also common. Rather than investing in public services and creating jobs, governments and big business opted to reduce people's rights at work. Using contracts which offered employers ultimate flexibility, millions of people get up every day and wait on the end of the phone for the possibility of work. Wages stay down while rents and the cost of living seem to be constantly on the rise. Now the task turns to tackling the Tory government and the new attacks they want to heap on us. From the scrapping of housing benefit for 18-21 years old to the exclusion of under-25s from the new so called 'living wage,' the budget represents a declaration of war by the Tories on youth. It's time for a national fight back against the government.
Paying the Living Wage in the UK would not only lift six million workers out of poverty but benefit both government and businesses as well, a new report has claimed. The Living Wage is currently set at £9.15 for London and £7.85 for the rest of the UK, while the Minimum Wage stands at £6.50 for workers aged over 21 (£5.13 for those aged 18 to 20). Accountancy firm KPMG estimated that paying everyone a Living Wage would take just 1.3% of the national wage bill. What's more, universal adoption would provide a net benefit of £1.5 billion to government as well as offering clear benefit to their businesses.

CHILD POVERTY > In a new study by The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS),(  ) the number of children in poverty living in a working family grew from 54% to 63% from 2009/10 and 2013/14. However the levels of absolute child poverty stayed the same. A group of student lawyers in Bristol has overturned 95% of decisions made by the Department of Work and Pensions in relation to 200 people it deemed "fit for work". Outraged protesters chase Tory MP out of town after he turns up to open food-bank;...(  )More than 100 people screamed 'shame on you' at Scottish Secretary David Mundell - who claims the rise in foodbanks isn't caused by welfare cuts . The previous Government’s austerity measures were having a knock-on impact on public health, with the number of patients discharged after being treated for malnutrition having risen 84% in the five years to 2012/13. Children forced to feed on ‘marg butties’ during school holidays . The GP food voucher scheme is a humiliation and victimisation of the poor and an insult to GP’s time and skills. The royal college of GP’s says demand for food vouchers, homelessness, unstable accommodation are all rising, i.e. the poor are getting poorer.
ORWELLIAN FUTURE WITH THE TORIES >DEMONISATION OF our YOUTH AND STUDENT-BODY > PROMOTION OF WARS > Starting with the abolition of Education. Maintenance Allowance, next , student loans ,demand for university being greater ; results in graduates being worse-off career-wise , now . Due to the Tories; billions are spent on wars ; yet citizens suffer austerity and graduate careers suffer . Today 1Million NEETS work for £2-25/hr in scarce apprenticeships and as a result, Trade-Unions are veering to right wing .There is a demonization of youth and the poor – and promotion of wars with racist overtones. The education ‘Prevent’ strategy is making ‘Orwellian thought police' out of teachers – even inflicted on toddlers .  > <  >


NEOLIBERALISM> Neoliberalism can be defined as : the removal of political influence from the poor by hamstringing the machinery of democracy – i.e. the poor are ignored even if they vote .


ELECTION GERRYMANDERING : Conservative Party candidates are bankrolled by hedge fund donations siphoned to Westminster from lucrative tax havens including the Cayman Islands, new analysis suggests. Figures released on Thursday by the Electoral Commission detail donations received by Britain’s political parties since the general election campaign began.


:was Independently Authored by a private UK citizen :Mr.F.K.YUSUFZAI 7th September 2015


======== autumn-2016-further info added by FKY==============



The fake democracy - the inverted totalitarian state - every limb of government is operated via corporations "The World As It Is "


I recommend anyone to get MrDrysdales user friendly version of theory of Capital. Even the labour party does not understand the power of it- because they got rid of Clause-4 Many many thanks JD ... see -- and throw away your misconceptions and prejudices on what money is . Capitalism no future - Why capitalism has no future By revealing the origin and nature of money and thus the origin and nature of capital, ‘Capitalism No Future’ moves thought to understanding of the essence of the capitalist mode of production . | By |

Professor Phil Lawn 7 March 2015 - economics for dummies Why european countries were hit worse by the recession because they adopted the Euro- Why Governments should not gear to having a surplus as a goal.


Bernie Sanders economist (Stepanie Kelton) explains how a sovereign government pays for things. It explains how a sovereign government can pay for anything that is available for sale. All based on John Maynard Keynes, Abba Lerner, Kalechi and Wynne Godley. They are very important for all Labour Party members to study -Here are the links
The "Angry Birds" Approach to Understanding Deficits in the... Is the USA really going broke?
Steven Hail's presentation on modern money and the "budget... Steven Hail describes why the budget emergency is untrue, and provides insights into modern monetary theory. Bill Mitchell Bill Mitchell - billy blog Modern Monetary Theory ... macroeconomic reality Meet the Renegades Steve Keen Originally Published by Renegade Economists on Dec 21, 2015 Steve Keen


JFK warned us

Please -also see the youtube titled " everything is a rich mans trick "